Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2 Weeks to Go!

We've only got this Wednesday and next Wednesday to finish off our Talent Development projects.  I'm going pretty well and only have to do recording and finish off my scenes. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  I'm so excited to be entering my story into the Made Awards, and I hope I win! My favourite scene would be the one with the trees and all the cool animations and patterns on it. My favourite character would definitely be Raquelle because she has faith in herself and her mum through the whole adventure and she was also very determined. This is one of the lines she says in the story. "Come on Mum! We can't give up now!"  The hardest scene I made was the house. I had to get the lines straight and the background good before I could add in the details.

In the Scene

Today I was using KidPix to make scenes for my story. First I chose my background if I needed it. For my first scene I didn't because it was just a house which I easily drew. My second scene definitely needed a background. But, instead of clicking on a colorful background I chose one that I could color in and put animations in. Animations are little pictures that are doing different things all the time unlike a normal picture which just stays still. My third scene was Mixhole beach. I clicked on a beach background and put big black holes in the water and sand to make them look like Mixholes. I haven't quite finished my slideshow but I hope to soon!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


...KidPix is so awesome! Now that I've learnt how to use it, I want to use KidPix instead of Garageband! I pretty much spent all our Talent Development on it making cool slideshows! I made one to do with my story and now I'm working on a spooky one. I would rather use KidPix than Garageband because KidPix is much simpler and way more easier for kids. You can draw, type, and even say your text in funny voices.
I hope I can use it again next week.