Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hi Anna.
You had a very busy first day back at Enrich for Term 4!  It was great to see you so engrossed in the unpacking of the science trolley, and contributing to the light sensor experiment.  You thought carefully about our results, and made some interesting comments to summarise in our conclusion.  I am looking forward to the next few weeks of science talent development and our focus on solids, liquids and gases!

Back Again with a New Talent Development!

The first day back on our 4th and final short term and we're into a new Talent Development again! The options were science taken by Katie and maths taken by Alana. Darryn is finishing the art in his art group from last term. I have chosen science because I like blowing things up and getting my hands dirty! Our main ideas for science is solids, liquids and gases. So far we have done an experiment on light. We used a lamp, a remote control, a candle and a dinoscope. We each put our hypothises-predictions down on a piece of paper predicting whether the object's light would stay consistent or fluctuate. Then we started our experiment. It turned out that the lamp was consistent, the remote control fluctuated slightly  and surprisingly the candle was very very consistent. I thought tha the candle would fluctuate because candles normally blow around. Our group thought that it might have been because we were all standing around it and not letting any air in. Our last object, the dinoscope was fluctuating because of the radio waves going through it. It was really fun learning about fluctuating light and consistent light! I can't wait to work with solids, liquids and gases!

Teacher comment

Anna you are self motivated and organized and you have embraced the new challenges that Enrich has provided. You use your time wisely and effectively to make the most of new opportunities and you willingly go the extra mile in all the work you do, and you definitely live up to the expectations of working in a high trust environment. Great start at Enrich!

Teacher comment

Anna you are self motivated and organized and you have embraced the new challenges that Enrich has provided. You use your time wisely and effectively to make the most of new opportunities and you willingly go the extra mile in all the work you do, and you definitely live up to the expectations of working in a high trust environment. Great start at Enrich!