Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Last Day of Enrich Forever!


Today is the last day for me at Enrich forever! The year has been great and I will miss coming here. So, this means this post is my last ever entry! I'm going to do a PMI on the Enrich year. 

The positive things about this year are:
I really enjoyed Passion Time because it really helped me develop my skills a whole lot further. I also really liked the Wilson games because they were so much fun and really interesting. I enjoyed working on computers as well because I'm very interested in them. 

The challenging and the not so great things about this year are:
The computers sometimes got really annoying because they wouldn't load!!! I also didn't like the fact that we couldn't finish off our Environmental Project because we weren't actually allowed to set the possum traps in Seaward bush in the first place. 

I=Interesting Things
The interesting things about this year are:
The eye dissection was very gross, but very interesting! Also the Affective Domain was interesting and learning about the habits of mind. It was really interesting learning more about computers and technology like that. 

As you can see I have had a pretty great year coming here and it's a shame it has to come to and end. 
