Hi,my name is Anna and I go to Enrich every Wednesday with other kids. Enrich is a school for gifted and talented children. There are four corner stones that we are working on; the Affective Domain, Mental Edge Talent Development and the Concept Curriculum. This is my first year here as a year 5. This year we are learning about interactions.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Affective and Photo Editing
Today Alana ran a workshop all about the positives about being gifted. We discussed all the positive things other people had written down. It turned out that most of us disagreed with other people's perspectives.
With Talent Development we took our photos and started to edit and name them how exciting! We had to choose a theme for our photos. I chose nature as my theme. Then we sent our best photo to Katie for her to look at. I've had a busy but fun day today! This was my best photo. I call it 'Blush.'
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Bio Poem
Here is my bio poem. A bio poem is a poem all about you. I includes things like your name, your family, where your from etc.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Teacher comment
Wow Anna what an amazing start to the year! Your time management and the quality of the work you produce are a real credit to you - it's great to see you making the most of your opportunities and setting such a great example for the new students. Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
At Enrich this week I did photography with Katie. First we looked at all the camera techniques and all the views and ways to take pictures. There was worm's eye view, which is when you are looking up at something. There is mouse eye view which is when you lie down on the ground and take the picture looking straight ahead. There is also bird's eye view when you are looking down on something. One of the other ones that I liked was macro. This is when you change the settings on your camera to macro and then you can take a super close up of all the details of the object you are photographing. Kind of like a dinoscope but not as strong.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Today I did debating with Alana. We debated about two things. Animals should be kept in cages. I strongly disagree with this statement. Unfortunately I was put on the affirmative team which means you have to agree with the statement given. The negative team which means you disagree with the statement. We had to come up with five reasons about why this is true. This was HARD for me! The next thing we debated about was: The Christchurch Cathedral should be demolished and rebuilt. Once again I was on the affirmative team. This time we only had to come up with four reasons why this was true. I had real good fun debating and I can't wait to do more.
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